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Food & Fitneess

5 Helpful Tips When Re-Starting At The Gym

Friday, November 6, 2020

/ by Admin

via Australian Fitness Academy » Australian Fitness Academy
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2020 has been a very different year for everyone with so many struggles and upheaval. With lots of other things to focus on and the closure of gyms for months on end, fitness and training might not be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Now that things seem to be slowly going back to normal, personal goals and fitness can start to become a focus. It is important though to not go from 0-100. These 5 tips will not only help you get back to your best but also ensure that you don’t burn out.   Have a Structured Plan Set your goals and make them realistic, keeping in mind that your body might have changed during lockdown. It is always important to have a major goal that you are always focused on but you can also tick off smaller goals along the way. Things like: Attending the gym 3-4 times per week. Fitting into that item of clothing that mid-lockdown you thought you would never get in it again. Starting to hit the numbers that you were lifting pre-lockdown.   Take it Slow For most of us, unless you were lucky/smart enough to set up a home gym, you might have been stuck walking or using the limited equipment you have around the house. This is why it is important to treat the first few sessions back in the gym like you are starting from square one. Your body may initially resist as it has been used to couch surfing, so taking it slow will benefit you greatly in the long run.   Recovery is Key: DOMS will be your new friend Just remember that it might not matter how hard you pushed in the first or second session back, DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) will become your new friend for the next week or so. Recovery is going to be crucial to you progressing in your workouts and dragging your body into the next session. You might hate yourself at the time but pushing through this part is just another step you have to take. Maybe your next purchase is a foam roller or spikey ball.   Fuel Your Body Correctly If you didn’t indulge in food during lockdown then your willpower must be very strong. Remember though, once you step back into the gym you have to fuel your body correctly to ensure that you are recovering well but also that your muscles are receiving enough protein. No point smashing through a great workout and then devouring a Big Mac straight after.    Don’t Take Time and Resources for Granted No one knew the devastation that this virus would cause or the length of time that we would be in lockdown for. An important lesson to take out of this though is to not take things or time for granted. Next time you think that skipping a workout is going to be ok, think back to those months that you didn’t have the opportunity to train and you might make a different choice.    

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