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Food & Fitneess

2022 CrossFit Games Workouts Revealed

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

/ by Admin

The 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Games will kick off on Wednesday, August 3, in Madison, WI, and run through to Sunday, August 7. There will be 13 separate workouts over four competition days for the 40 respective Individual Men and Women as they contend for their divisions’ title of Fittest on Earth®.

On Wednesday, August 3, the Individual competitors will run through four workouts. The following day on Thursday, August 4, will see both Individual divisions and the 38 Teams enjoy a rest day before the remainder of the contest. At the same time on that Thursday, the Age Group and Adaptive Divisions will start their portion of the competition — which will be uninterrupted through its remainder. 

As the 2022 CrossFit Games heat up around the weekend, there will be two Individual workouts on Friday, August 5, three on Saturday, August 6, and three during the Finals on Sunday, August 7. There will be just one significant cut of 10 athletes in the Individual categories and 18 Teams before the Finals. 

Here are the workouts for both Individual divisions:


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[Related: Tia-Clair Toomey Gives An Inside Look At The Comprehensive PRVN Fitness Garage Gym]

2022 CrossFit Games Workout Schedule — Individual

On August 1, 2022, the CrossFit organization announced some of the Individual workouts of the competition — including the opener “Bike to Work” and “The Capitol.”

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Workout One — “Bike to Work”

For time:

  • 75 Toes-to-Bars
  • Five-mile Bike
  • 75 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
  • Five-mile Bike

Time limit: 50 minutes

Workout Two — “Shuttle to Overhead” | Two 100-Point Workouts

From 0:00-2:00 (two minutes)

  • Run 400 meters
  • Max Jerks

One minute of rest. 

From 3:00-6:00 (three minutes)

  • Run 600 meters
  • Max Jerks

Rest two minutes.

From 8:00-12:00 (four minutes)

  • Run 800 meters
  • Max Jerks

Women: 200 pounds
Men: 300 pounds

Each round will see the athletes run and finish as many jerks (shoulder-to-overheads) as possible in the allotted time. This workout will be scored as two distinct 100-point events. The score of the first Shuttle to Overhead workout is an athlete’s total time to complete their three runs. The score of the second Shuttle to Overhead workout will be the competitors’ total number of jerks completed across their three rounds.

Workout Three

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified. 

Workout Four

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified. 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Rest Day — Individual Women, Individual Men, and Teams. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Workout Five — “The Capitol”

For time:

  • 20 Pig Flips
  • 3.5-mile Run
  • 200-meter Jerry Bag Carry
  • 200-meter Husafell Carry

No time limit. 

Women: 350-pound Pig, (two) 70-pound Jerry bags, 150-pound Husafell
Men: 510-pound Pig, (two) 100-pound Jerry bags, 200-pound Husafell

The athletes will start by performing Pig Flips at the AEC Center. They will then move toward the Capitol Building. There they will work through Farmers’ Carries with Jerry bags and some Husafell carries down State Street. The workout will finish at the Wisconsin State Capitol Building. 

Workout Six

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified. 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Workout Seven

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified. 

Workout Eight

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified. 

Workout Nine

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified. 

Workout 10

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified. 

Ten Individual competitors will be cut at this point before the Finals on the last day of the contest. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Workout 11

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Workout 12

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Workout 13

The Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth® will receive their titles on Aug. 7, 2022, after the leaderboard is officially updated following Workout 13. Tia-Clair Toomey is the five-time reigning Fittest Woman on Earth®. Justin Medeiros is the defending Fittest Man on Earth®. 


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[Related: Strongman Rob Kearney and CrossFitters Mat Fraser and Mal O’Brien Get After It In Overhead Workout]

2022 CrossFit Games Workouts — Teams

The Teams division will be the last to finish their performance at the 2022 CrossFit Games. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Workout One — “Biker Bob”

Push “Bob” down the field.

Three rounds for time:

  • One-mile Bike (M1F1)
  • 252-foot Bob Push (M2F2, unloaded)
  • 30 Synchro Toes-to-Bars (M2F2)

Then switch. After the final toes-to-bar, push Bob to finish.

Time limit: 40 minutes.

During the bike segment, athletes will depart the stadium to ride laps around a one-mile course.

Workout Two — “Strong”

For load:

  • One-rep-max Jerk, F1
  • One-rep-max Front Squat, F2
  • One-rep-max Jerk, M1
  • One-rep-max Front Squat, M2

Each team member will have two attempts for their respective max lift. A team’s score will be the total of each member’s heaviest successful lift.

Workout Three starts right after Workout Two. 

Workout Three — “Fast”

For time:

  • 1,600-meter Run (as a team)
  • 1,600-meter Run (two members)
  • 1,600-meter Run (two members)

All four members have to complete the first run and will run together while holding a 10-foot rope. Two team members will complete the second run while the others recover. Finally, the final run the previous recovering team members will take charge of the last run.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Rest day for Individual Women, Individual Men, and Teams.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Workout Four

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Workout Five

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Workout Six

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Workout Seven

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Workout Eight

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Eighteen Teams will be cut at this point before the Finals on the last day of the contest. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Workout Nine

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Workout 10

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Workout 11

Updates on this workout will be provided once further details are clarified.

Featured image: @crossfitgames on Instagram

The post 2022 CrossFit Games Workouts Revealed appeared first on Breaking Muscle.

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