Top Tips for Beating a Study Slump

Monday, June 20, 2022

/ by Admin

via Australian Fitness Academy

Studying is not always easy. When life gets in the way, finding the time and motivation to sit down and study can be difficult. When balancing work, family, social commitments and more, it is completely normal to have periods where you become unmotivated to study. When your spare time is sparse, it can be easy to prioritise other things in your life and leave lectures and assignments for another day. Even the most driven and determined people out there can suffer from study slumps, so it’s nothing to get too stressed about. There are ways to get through it successfully and methods to put in place to help set you back on the right path to completing your qualification!

If you are in a bit of a study slump at the moment and are lacking the motivation required to complete your course, have a read of some of our top tips to help you get through it:


Create a Study Space

Finding a space where you can study effectively is a simple but essential thing to get right. Studying in bed or on the kitchen bench can work for some, but they are probably not the best environments to get your work done in. You can experiment with what works best for you, and even mix up your study spaces, but some good places to start are: setting up a desk in your room/home, the library, a café, or on campus. Ensure you remove any distractions, have access to everything you need before you start and are comfortable with the lighting, temperature and chair you are sitting on. They all might seem like little things, but they can make a big difference to your mental state and your feelings toward studying in that space. Make it a place you want to go to!

study space


Make a Schedule

Just like you schedule in work meetings, social catch ups or gym classes, setting aside a certain time for study is a great way to ensure you stay on track and avoid any procrastination. By scheduling in study time, not only will you have plenty of time to get through quizzes and assessments, you’ll also begin to make studying a normal part of your routine.


Study With Others

Just like working out with a friend, studying with a friend or in a group can give you that extra kick of motivation you need and add some fun to your learning. Locking in a time to study with a friend or a group will also help to keep you accountable and prevent you from skipping your study time. You’ll be able to bounce ideas off each other and help one another on areas or questions you aren’t sure about. You don’t have to study in a group every time, but organising a catch up once a month or every so often can provide you with that boost you need as you support each other through the course.

For those studying our Cert III & IV in Fitness, we have a private study group on Facebook where students can interact with each other, as well as our student support team, and organise group catch ups or touch base with each other.

Study group


Take Care of Yourself

If you’re lacking energy and feeling tired, chances are you will avoid studying altogether. If you do push through your tiredness, you will be far less productive and attentive, and the quality of your work may not be to your usual standard.

Eating well, exercising regularly and getting adequate sleep are all important for not just study motivation, but for everything you do in life, so try and make these a priority!


Contact Our Student Support Team

Our student support team are always here to help support you through your course. If you’re struggling with an assessment, need some clarification on a particular topic, or just want someone to talk through your course with, you can call or email our team any time.

Speaking to one of our student support team members may be exactly what you need to re-gain that motivation to get stuck into the books (or laptop!).

AFA Student Support Team


Set Goals

Sometimes the end goal of completing your qualification can seem so far away. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the number of assignments you need to complete, or are anxious about handing everything in on time, setting interim goals along the way can be extremely useful. Setting smaller goals can be one of the easiest ways to increase your motivation and helps put steps in place to achieve your ultimate end goal. Writing these smaller goals down and putting them somewhere you will see them everyday is a great way to stay mindful of them and track your progress.


Reward Your Progress

After setting your smaller, short term goals, make sure you reward yourself when you tick them off. This can be whatever you want it to be, as long as it incentivises you to reach your goal. A sweet treat, a cheat meal, a binge Netflix session, some new activewear, whatever it is, reward yourself and show yourself some love when you achieve your goal.


Find Your Inspiration

If you’re really struggling to find the motivation to study, think back to why you started studying a fitness qualification in the first place. Whether you are looking for a career in the fitness industry, are wanting to open your own business, are determined to help others achieve their fitness goals or are wanting to improve your own health and fitness knowledge, go back to whatever it was that motivated you to begin the course. Seek out people who inspire you, listen to a podcast, watch a movie, listen to music or read a book – there are so many inspirational people and stories out there, and it might be just what you need to get inspired yourself!


In Summary:

The most important thing to remember is that it is completely normal to go through periods where you feel unmotivated to study. If you are currently feeling like this, there’s no better time than now to do something about it!

“The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it”


study motivation



The post Top Tips for Beating a Study Slump appeared first on Australian Fitness Academy.

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